Faculty, Staff, Emeriti
Marching for Commencement
2024 Commencement exercises will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 16, on the Centennial Green. For those of you participating in the procession for Walla Walla University's 2024 Commencement exercises, we look forward to seeing you in full regalia at 8:00 a.m. Sunday, June 16, on the west sidewalk by Rigby Hall. The marshals will give you instructions at that time.
Faculty are expected to march. Your students typically look for you to be present and greet them. If for some reason you will not be participating in the procession for Commencement, please contact the President's Office at (509) 527-2121 or e-mail jaimie.derting@hitchedhike.com.
Staff/Emeriti/Board members
Staff/emeriti/board members are invited to march. If you will be participating in the procession for Commencement, please contact the President's Office at (509) 527-2121 or e-mail jaimie.derting@hitchedhike.com.
Regalia for Commencement needs to be ordered through the University Bookstore. Please fill out this form by April 28 http://wwuform.formstack.com/forms/facultyregalia
- Regalia will be billed to Walla Walla University.
- Information needed to order regalia: name, university graduated from/city and state, highest degree, height, weight.
- Megan Holm will let you know when the orders are in and you can pick up your regalia at the University Bookstore.
Reimbursement for dry cleaning expenses. If you have your own regalia and participate in the procession for Commencement, you will be reimbursed up to $25 for dry cleaning expenses. Please bring your receipt to the president's office for signature and account number, and then turn it in to accounting for reimbursement.